Specialising in

What We Do
Tasman Underwriting’s team has more than 140 years’ combined expertise in Professional Indemnity Insurance
We draw upon an expert panel of lawyers, investigators, and other professionals that promptly assess and settle claims for the best possible outcome. Our experienced underwriters will work with you and your clients to ensure peace of mind.
Limits Up To $10Million
We offer limits on Construction / Engineering risks up to $5 million and Miscellaneous / non-engineering risks up to $10 million on Civil Liability wordings.
100% Underwritten By Lloyd’s Of London
Lloyd’s of London which is an authorised Australian insurer. Lloyd’s Underwriters have strong financial security characteristics however please note that ratings can vary from time to time.
Quick Quote Turnaround
We know the pressures that brokers work under in the current market conditions and provide prompt decision making, quotation turnaround and claims handling.
Experienced And Reliable
Our underwriting team, with their in-depth knowledge developed over many years specialising in Professional Indemnity, are available to assist you in understanding your clients’ needs and exposures.
Our Appetite
The listing below summarises our underwriting appetite for the major professions.
We are happy to consider other professions/risks upon receipt of appropriate underwriting information.

Professional Indemnity Risk Appetite
Advertising Agents
AFS Licensees & Authorised Representatives
Aged Care Consultants
Agricultural Consultants
Agronomy Consultants
Aquaculture Consultants
Buyer’s Agent
Communication Consultants
Corporate Advisors
Customs Agents, Shipping and Freight Forwarders
Education and Training Consultants
Energy Rating Assessor
Ergonomic Consultants
Event Manager
Environmental Consultants
Farm Management/Stock & Agents
Flora and Fauna Consultants
Food Consultants
Forestry Consultants
Funeral Directors
Hygiene Consultants
Industrial Relations Consultants
Insolvency Practitioners
Insurance Assessors/Loss Adjustors
Insurance Brokers
Insurance Investigators
Interior Designers
Legal Title/Property Searchers
Materials Handling Consultants
Marine Surveyors
Personnel Consultants (but no cover for people placed)
Market Research/Marketing Consultants
Materials Handling Consultants
Meteorological Consultants
Migration Agents
Miscellaneous Consultants
Natural Resource Consultants
Oceanographic Consultants
Occupational Therapists
OH&S Consultants
Public Relations Consultants
Real Estate Agents
Rehabilitation Consultant
Risk & Quality Management
Speech Pathologists
Technical Writers
Translators and Interpreters
Traffic Management Planning
Travel Agencies
Acoustical Engineering
Drafting /Building Designers
Design & Construct Builders
Chemical Engineering
Consulting Engineers
Electrical Engineering
Engineering Surveying
Environmental Consultancy
Environmental Engineering
HVAC Engineering
Hydraulic Engineering
Hydraulic Design
Interior Design
Land Surveying
Surveyors (Land/Engineering)
Landscape Architecture
Mechanical Engineering
Plumbing Engineering
Project or Construction Manager
Town/ Urban Planning
Please click on the following links to download the document you need.
Proposal Form
Policy Wordings
Covid-19 Questionnaire
No Claims Declaration
Declaration Forms
Claims Form
Banking Details
Our Leadership Team
Contact Us
Our offices & contacts
Head Office, Melbourne
Level 5, 41 Exhibition St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Level 21, 41 Exhibition St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Enquiry Form
If you would like to get in touch please send us a message below
IBL Ltd T/As Tasman Underwriting | ABN 65 005 754 718 | AFSL 231203